I am truly amazed that one of the most prestigious cosmetic brands are being counterfeited and sold on ebay for half the cost or sold in ridiculously higher prices than its original retail pricing. I recently did a review on another brand that is counterfeited as well. I strongly believe that these "fake" duplicates come from Asia. These "fake" manufactures are ruining the reputation of one of the most popular brands in the cosmetic industry."How did I found out about this" because I already had an original and the "fake" one was purchase through ebay at a bargain price. On the following images you will see the difference in packaging, quality and the pigmentation's of each pallete side by side. What did i learn from this experience, well that ebay sellers claim to be an original item while it is not and people can be fooled until their item arrives in their own hands and then have a bad impression on the actual company which they did not even manufactured the product!!. I know for sure that any other company in the marketing business will be upset about "the fake manufactures" that are duplicating their products.

The left the original, On the right the"fake" when I open the package it did not have a box and only had a plastic cover to protect the eye shadows. Looking at the image you can spot immediately the off-quality errors done by the fake manufacture. The original fabric tabs are placed in a different area from the fake. Original is place at the bottom of the pallete, while the duplicate is place at the middle above the ribbons. The colors are similar and one pallete box is higher than the other.
The pallete boxes are in different sizes, one longer than the other at the top where the name of the brand is printed.
Notice the tab where it says Too Faced, the paper is off quality and it looks glued and the paper looks wrinkled and the eye which is the main feature of the particular collection is a lot more larger than its original at the bottom.
Notice the difference in the slots where the "How To's" cards are placed for instructions in how to create an eye shadow look.
Here is another way in how to know when the product is not an original because if it was they will look like twins!!!
The color of the robes and tassels at the bottom are a different shade of black.
The original will have a sticker that is made in bulk and assembled in Dominican Republic, and the duplicate does not have one. Also the image of the founder of the cosmetic brand are different colors of sepia one is more blueish tint than the other.
While the "fake one" its a new pallete and the shade pillow talk is not even filled properly.
The pans on the larger eye shadows are not aligned and the shade birthday suit have a pink undertone and its shimmery. When the original shade is a soft taupe that is a matte with a soft sheen.
The pans of the real one looks even smooth of color.
The shade at the bottom the third row which is stiletto are similar but not the same color. The real is black with little sparks. Stiletto on the "fake" one is more of a grayish black.
These cards which are the "How TO's" to show in three steps in how to create an eye shadow look from each row. The color of the cards are very different one is darker with a different texture of paper and it has a shiny finish. While the original is a pretty pale pink color with no shiny paper finish.
These are the swatches from the first row, the original being on the bottom and the fake being on the top.The textures are very different. The fake is more chalky and original are more blendable and smooth. The images on the swatches are not used with primer.
These are the swatches from the original
Shades in the "fake" which is the same row |
I did random swatches for the purpose to spot the differences in shades, pigmentation and quality. My online shopping has been horrible on ebay am not trying to down grade the web site by any means, but perhaps they should take action on dishonest sellers and their trickery in the description of the item being original and authentic. I did further investigation in how they can get a hold of these duplicates and they could contact a manufacture in China which produces fake MAC cosmetics as well, and they have a warehouse probably that is all i know for now. I will contact Too Faced to let them know about this and I will be more than happy to send them my fake pallete to track down the jerks that are duplicating their products. I hope that you found interest in my blog ... Hoping that no one else gets scam as I did..........