Hello everyone let me introduce to you "The Sonoma Diet". Why I choose this new way of eating. Well.. I previously went to the doctor for a regular check up and my blood pressure was high and having very dis comfortable headaches and feeling a bit odd. He suggested to stay away from sugars, which is my weakness and always been, so I had to take action by eliminating them as much as possible!. He also suggested to eliminate carbs!! I told him that on my own by dieting I eliminated all carbs before and lost 40lbs on the atkins diet but I got tired of it and slacked off and I almost gained some of it back, which was a bit of a disappointment, I went through a lot this past year with a terrible relationship that was making me have emotional stress which eventually headed for depression and anxiety. The problems that I was facing in my relationship was about my weight, my ex boyfriend liked my inner beauty I suppose but disliked the way I looked from the outside, so we ended our relationship and decided that we were not meant to be with one another. So that is when I decided to do something and tried the atkins it worked but, I was so fed up with it because, I missed my rice and oatmeal and those foods were prohibited. So a friend of mine was struggling with her weight as well, and suggested the "The Sonoma Diet". She gave me her book and said that there was no need for her to keep it since she already memorized everything and that it was a healthier way of eating rather calling it a diet, so she pass it down for me to keep and I thought that it was very generous of her!. So I stared this week on Monday July 29th and let me tell you one thing, I can feel the difference it is obvious that your body is making drastic changes in calorie intake, I had several headaches because my body needs to adjust to the meals, I have been to the bathroom quite a lot guessing am dis intoxicating all the bad junk out of my system. If you are interested in making healthier choices or considering loosing weight this is the right place to keep everyone motivating including myself. This is the way that I will be posting information about this diet, since there is a ton to explain and the book is composed in numerous chapters and also to avoid copyrighted issues I will simply do a brief summary in the important stuff sort of like the highlights of the entire plan. It is written by Dr. Connie Guttersen.R.D., P.H.D

- When you start it simply tells you that you need to consume fewer calories the first two weeks and that in 10 days is guaranteed to have a thinner waist.( everyone would love that). You are not to consume sugar these first 10 days not even fruits!
- You have to get rid of all refined goods in your pantry if you really want to reach your ideal weight! that is also including soft drinks.
- I will be taking full body pictures with a before and after for the results, and also will be updating every wave which is consisted per weeks and per months.
Here it goes am currently trying it I know its hard, cleaning your pantries with the good stuff is very challenging and at the same time its expensive but its for a good cause.. I will be updating this post in two weeks to go in full detail and also giving more information about the diet. Doing so will avoid a long post and to keep everything in calender dates. Good Luck if you found this interesting and leave a comment below if your are trying it! I will love feedback from you..
A couple of months ago before the holiday season was around the corner I was unable to keep this diet from this book.. That didn't meant that it did not work!!!... I will be as honest as possible the fact that bread was being allowed in the diet... I got too carried away and I need something different I need to try something else... I apologize for not updating... I just wanted more drastic results...
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